2011 Regional Ports Symposium Report Released
The AHC's first integrated planning meeting "report" with private sector owner/operators, this report focuses on several currently funded regional projects in the Delaware Bay Area.
The report features a new format that outlines the four specific projects, the program managers involved, the integration opportunities that exist, the recommendations and next steps needed to better coordinate future projects & investments of the federal, state/local, and private sector stakeholders.
Symposium partners included the US Coast Guard, FEMA, US Navy, NJ/DE Office Homeland Security, SEPARTF, and Bank of America, Greenwich Terminals, Target, PSE&G Nuclear, DE Bay Maritime Exchange, and Paulsboro Refining Co./Delaware City Refining
Supporting documents:
The AHC's first integrated planning meeting "report" with private sector owner/operators, this report focuses on several currently funded regional projects in the Delaware Bay Area.
The report features a new format that outlines the four specific projects, the program managers involved, the integration opportunities that exist, the recommendations and next steps needed to better coordinate future projects & investments of the federal, state/local, and private sector stakeholders.
Symposium partners included the US Coast Guard, FEMA, US Navy, NJ/DE Office Homeland Security, SEPARTF, and Bank of America, Greenwich Terminals, Target, PSE&G Nuclear, DE Bay Maritime Exchange, and Paulsboro Refining Co./Delaware City Refining
Supporting documents:
Integrated Planning - Ports
2009 Regional Ports Security Workshop, October 22-23, 2009 in MarylandThe mid-Atlantic region’s ports represent an economic engine and a security risk and investment that must be protected. Working with the states and federal, private sector, university and non-profit partners, the AHC conducted a regional workshop focused on the various aspects of developing a regional resilient network of ports. A follow-up webinar series will be conducted shortly as well as the development of a regional report – stay tuned…