Customized Services
- Applied Operational Research - Working with the private sector operations professionals in the Fleet Response Working Group, specific research is conducted to explore short, mid and long-term operational solutions in the electric, food and fuel sectors.
- Customized Regional AHC Service Offerings Development - Work with AHC staff and leadership on the development of customized AHC regional service offerings that improve efforts in public/private preparedness/response/recovery and business continuity.
- Research - a federal research organizations needs to engage private sector operations professionals (instead of vendors, consultants, manufacturers and integrators) in a specific research effort to develop better understanding of real world operational issues, concept of operations with an individual sector, practical standards and steps to use going forward to address the issues, and expedited transition of research products and standard in the field.
- Public/Private Operational Coordination - a private sector organization wants to develop a process to share sensitive information with public sector in order to improve access to impacted areas after storms.
- App Development - Public and private sector groups need to collaborate on requirements for a joint app that expedites information flow between public and private sector operations professionals during disasters.
- Private Sector Research - Private Sector research and development teams find solutions to business continuity issues and have to work with state/local government in order to better understand potential impacts and opportunities
- Multi-State Exercises and Drills -